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Technical Analysis of New CaddyWiper Malware discovered in Ukraine

Executive Summary

SHA 256 Hash: a294620543334a721a2ae8eaaf9680a0786f4b9a216d75b55cfd28f39e9430ea

ESET researchers published a report on a new wiper malware first discovered in a limited number of organizations in Ukraine. It was first detected on 14 March 2022 at 9:38 AM UTC. This is the 3rd wiper malware discovered since 23 February 2022.

The sample, a 32-bit Windows Portable Executable (PE) binary, was obtained from MalwareBazaar. It is a destructive wiper program that runs on Windows platforms. Upon execution, the malware first identifies if it is running on a Primary Domain Controller, if so the malware exits harmlessly. If the machine is NOT a Primary Domain Controller, the malware continues executing.

CaddyWiper has a three stage wiper process:

  • All files in the C:\Users folder are overwritten with zeros.
    • Up to the first 10 MB is the file is larger than this
    • The Access Control List is also destroyed.
  • All files in logical drives D:\ through Z:\ are then similarly overwritten
    • This includes network mapped drives
  • Finally, the partition tables on the first 10 drives attached to the computer are overwritten with zeros.

This malware is destructive. It overwrites data with zeros and destroys hard drive partition tables. The only way to recover is to rebuild the machine and load data from backups.

As Primary Domain Controllers are spared by this malware, it can be assumed that the Domain Controller is a mechanism for distributing the malware. The attackers most likely have gained access to the Domain Controller before delivering this payload.

A YARA signature rule is included below after the analysis.

Indicators of Compromise

The malicious binary will be present. The original name seems to be caddy1.exe, but the file could be named anything. Compare unknown files to the hashes below, or using the provided yara rule to identify samples of this malware.

MD5: 42e52b8daf63e6e26c3aa91e7e971492

SHA256: a294620543334a721a2ae8eaaf9680a0786f4b9a216d75b55cfd28f39e9430ea

While the malware is running and actively overwriting files, you may experience a popup saying that the file, shortcut, executable, etc cannot be opened.

An error message that occurs when you try to open a file that has been overwritten

Additionally, Access Control List permissions are overwritten, so you may see access denied errors. If you check with icacls there are no permissions on the sample affected folder in the following screenshot.

Check the ACL of items that have been overwitten

As Windows becomes unable to read the drive containing the operating system, it will notify you of a problem and crash.

The final notice before the machine is unable to boot

The final item of note is that there is not any persistence mechanism as the malware renders the machine inoperable. When attempting to boot an affected machine, you may see an error message. In this case, it simply says unsuccessful and attempts to boot from other options.

Unable to boot from local hard drive so it attempted, and failed, a network boot

High-Level Technical Summary

CaddyWiper first checks to see the role assigned to the machine it is currently running on using the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function. If the machine is a Primary Domain controller, the execute stops here.

If the machine has any other role, CaddyWiper begins overwriting all files in the C:\Users folder recursively. For small files, the entire file is overwritten with zeros. For larger files, only the first 10 MB are overwritten. Once this is complete, it iterates through all drives from D:\ to Z:\ and overwrites all files in those drives (including network shares).

After the discovered files have been overwritten, the malware attempts to overwrite the partition tables of all drives connected to the machine. Again, this is done with all zeros. Eventually the machine will crash to a blue error screen and is further unable to boot.

CaddyWiper High Level Execution Flow

Malware Composition

The CaddyWiper malware consists of a single 32-bit PE binary.

It was compiled on 14 March 2022 at 7:19:36 UTC. This was approximately 2 hours before ESET first identified it. This can be manipulated, so this timestamp should be viewing some some caution.

CaddyWiper PE File Headers

Technical Analysis

Basic Static Analysis

A basic static analysis was performed on the malware binary. The file was first fingerprinted using MD5 and SHA256 algorithms.

MD5: 42e52b8daf63e6e26c3aa91e7e971492

SHA256: a294620543334a721a2ae8eaaf9680a0786f4b9a216d75b55cfd28f39e9430ea

VirusTotal was queried using the SHA256 hash. At the time of publishing this report, 48 of the 68 virus scanning engines have flagged this sample as being malicious.

VirusTotal results

VirusTotal had first seen this sample on 14 March 2022 at 12:40:26 UTC. It had been uploaded with several different file names, but caddy1.exe was among them. This is where ESET named the sample CaddyWiper.

To Pack or Not to Pack

Malware is often compressed to assist in evading antivirus detection. Packed samples can often be identified when comparing the PE files Virtual Size to the Size of the Raw Data.

The Virtual size of 0x1B4A (6,986) is similar to the Raw Data size of 0x1C00 (7,196) meaning it is unlikely that this sample has been compressed or packed in some way.

Import Address Table

The Import Address Table details the functions the malware imports to accomplish whatever functions it was designed to do. These can often provide clues to what the malware is doing. However, in this case there is only 1 function imported. This is very unique. Typical programs, both benign and malicious, have significantly more imports than this.

This sample is importing DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation. This function returns the state of the directory service installation and information about the domain, if the machine has been added to one.

Later in the analysis, I observed that malware has implemented a method to import the required function at runtime. Otherwise, we are not able to glean much information here.


It is often possible to extract characters from the raw binary that can be decoded into ASCII or Unicode text that may indicate functions, URLs, etc. This binary had a very limited amount of strings exposed…however some were of note.


These strings indicate some key functionality of the malware:

  • C:\Users and \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE9 are paths that are used in the wiper functions
  • WriteFile and DeviceIoControl are the functions used to destroy files and the partition tables of the attached hard drives
  • LoadLibraryA is used to import additional functions at runtime, making them a little more difficult to identify.

Basic Dynamic Analysis

Network Indicators of Compromise

No unique network traffic was observed from this sample. Accessing remotely mounted file shares was observed, but this was identical to legitimate usage. The malware was not observed to reach out to any remote IPs or Domains.

Host Based Indicators of Compromise

During the execution of the malware, it was possible to observe files that have been corrupted before the system crashed. A JPEG picture was on the Desktop of the user that executed the malware. You can see the normal JPEG header in the file before it was corrupted. The file starts with the correct FF D8 byte sequence.

A normal JPEG in Hex

After the malware has run, the file has been overwritten entirely with zeros. The FF D8 sequence, as well as all the other data, has been replaced with 00 00.

A file after CaddyWiper has executed

Advanced Static Analysis – Reverse Engineering

The majority of the analysis was performed via advanced static analysis. The malware only has 10 functions, so it is not overly complex. Of these, only 3 are key to the malware’s function.

Importing Functions

As noted in the basic analysis, there was only 1 function imported in the Import Address Table. However, when looking at the code, there is an obfuscated method for importing functions at runtime.

The function name and the name of the dll that contains that function are encoded in hex bytes. Each letter is assigned to a single variable, sequentially.

The address of the first letter of the dll name and the address of the first letter of the function name are passed to this FUN_00401530 function. This function then combines the letters and uses LoadLibraryA to import the specified function and return a handle to that function as seen in the EAX register in the image below.

This is how the malware has such a limited Import Address Table.

The Entry Function – Main

The main function of the malware is large, but straightforward.

CaddyWiper’s entry function graph view

The long block at the top is where some dll names and function names are encoded as detailed above. The interesting function happen at the bottom of this first block and the subsequent blocks. There are 2 wiper functions, 1 for files and 1 for hard drive partition tables. They happen sequentially as seen in the decompiled code below.

Step 1: Determining the Machine Role

The malware does not wipe and destroy Primary Domain Controllers. So the first thing the malware needs to do is identify if it is running on a Primary Domain Controller.

The main logic of CaddyWiper

At the top of the image, we see the call to DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation. If the result of this function is a value of 5, then we just down and exit the program – the lower right hand block highlighted in red. This value of 5 corresponds to the constant for DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController. Again, if the machine is a Primary Domain controller, exit the program.

However, if we are running on any other machine, follow the green arrow to the malicious core of the program.

Step 2: Wiping Files in C:\Users

After the malware checks to see that it is not running on a Primary Domain Controller, the malware then enters this block of code. This is the section that wipes files from C:\Users.

File Wiping Sections

Once the C:\Users path is passed to the wiper function, the malware will do some obfuscated importing of functions, as detailed above. Eventually it will get to the main core of the file wiper function.

The main file wiper logic

Using the FindFirstFileA , the malware will get a handle to the first discovered file. This file will be opened and the file size checked. If the file is larger than 0xA00000 or 10,485,760 bytes, the fileSize variable is set to 10 MB. This is most likely for speed purposes since destroying the first 10 MB of any file should sufficiently corrupt it.

After getting the file size, a memory segment is allocated and filled with zeros.

Filling the allocated memory segment with zeros

This zeroed memory segment is then written to the file starting at the beginning of the file. The file is closed and the process repeats for the next file.

The malware grants itself the SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege. Using this privilege, the Discretional Access Control List (DACL) for each folder and file is also over written with zeros so no one has access to it using the SetNamedSecurityInfoA API call.

Step 3: Encrypting Other Logical Drives

After the malware zeros out all the files in the C:\Users folder, it moves on to any other logical drives that may be connected. These may be local and/or remote network shares that have been mapped to a drive letter.

The malware starts the process on the D:\ drive. If found, it will loop through all the files using the same function detailed above to write Zeros to the full file, or first 10MB.

After checking for the D drive, it will continue to check each additional letter (D, E, F, etc) incrementing by 1 each time until it reaches the Z:\. Interestingly, the malware also checks for the presence of [:\ which is the character after Z. I believe this is just a mistake in the coding.

Step 4: Destroy the Partition Tables of Any Physical Disks

As a last destructive step, the malware destroys the partition tables of any physical drives connected to it. This renders the machine unusable as the system will not be able to boot from the now corrupt hard drive.

CaddyWiper’s partition destroying code

This code is interesting. Where the logical drive wiping code started at D: and incremented up, this starts at \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE9 and counts down. This is most likely to ensure that additional drives will be wiped before the system drive (most likely \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0) is corrupted and the system crashes.

The malware uses the function DeviceIOControl and the IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX Control Code to overwrite the existing partition table with zeros. This destroys the partition table and the system is no long able to use that device.

At the completion of this code, the system will crash and then will not be able to be rebooted.

Yara Rule for Detection

The following yara rule has been developed to identify samples of CaddyWiper in the wild.

rule CaddyWiper {
        last_updated = "2022-03-16"
        author = "Mike Bosland"
        description = "A yara rule to detect CaddyWiper"

        // Fill out identifying strings and other criteria
        $PE_magic_byte = "MZ"
        $string1 = "DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation" ascii

        // DeviceIOCtl
        $deviceiocontrol_hex = { 
            C6 45 ?? 44
            C6 45 ?? 65
            C6 45 ?? 76
            C6 45 ?? 69
            C6 45 ?? 63
            C6 45 ?? 65
            C6 45 ?? 49
            C6 45 ?? 6f
            C6 45 ?? 43
            C6 45 ?? 6f
            C6 45 ?? 6e
            C6 45 ?? 74
            C6 45 ?? 72
            C6 45 ?? 6f
            C6 45 ?? 6c 

        // C:\Users
        $c_users_hex = { 
            C6 45 ?? 43 
            C6 45 ?? 3A 
            C6 45 ?? 5C 
            C6 45 ?? 55 
            C6 45 ?? 73 
            C6 45 ?? 65 
            C6 45 ?? 72 
            C6 45 ?? 73 

        // \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE
        $physical_drive_hex = {
            C6 45 ?? 5C C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 5C C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 2E C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 5C C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 50 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 48 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 59 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 53 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 49 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 43 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 41 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 4C C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 44 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 52 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 49 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 56 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 45 C6 45 ?? 00
            C6 45 ?? 39

        // Fill out the conditions that must be met to identify the binary
        $PE_magic_byte at 0 and 
        $string1 and
        ($deviceiocontrol_hex and $c_users_hex and $physical_drive_hex)

TLDR: VNC on Linux Sucks…use xrdp

I have a ton of virtual machines running on VMWare ESXi servers at home. To access them, I had been logging into the ESXi server and opening a remote console with VMWare Workstation Player. Works great…but it’s a hassle…then I found Apache Guacamole.

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports VNC, RDP and SSH. It works in the browser thanks to HTML5 so no agents on the remote side as well…just a web browser. It’s really making bouncing between machines.

I installed Guacamole on a Kubernetes cluster I recently stood up. Simple install. I might turn it into it’s own server at some point, but this was an easy way to get started.

Now that I have a remote gateway, I need some sort of server to run on the clients – originally I intended to use RDP for Windows and VNC for Linux.

RDP on Windows is simple. Enable remote access, configure Guacamole with the IP, username, password, etc. Ready to go.

Now for Linux. All of the documentation/guides for VNC seemed horribly out of date…and a COMPLETE PAIN to get working on Linux. I spent a long time scouring the internet for any recent guides…then figured out why I couldn’t find any information on VNC…it sucks. No one uses it.

Once I found xrdp, the clouds parted and the angels sang. It’s so easy to use.

Installing xrdp

Most of the linux distributions I use are based on Debian. On RHEL/CentOS sub yum for apt-get

sudo apt-get install xrdp
sudo systemctl start xdrp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

Colord Authorization and The Impending Crash Message

One gotcha, which I only see on Ubuntu so far is that when you log in you are prompted to sign in to authorize the color management of the session. This is frustrating…and sometimes the popup doesn’t disappear and a reboot is needed to get rid of it…which it might not go away next time you log in either.

I started to look into how to fix this. I found a great post from c-nergy.

Authorizing colord with PolKit

The PolicyKit Authorization Framework, or polkit, is an authorization system that allows certain users to run certain actions on the system. By default, colord (used in xRDP) is restricted to the root user.

So the first part of the fix, is to allow all users to run colord.

Create the following file: /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/02-allow-colord.conf

Add the following code:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (( == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.create-device” || == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.create-profile” || == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.delete-device” || == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.delete-profile” || == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.modify-device” || == “org.freedesktop.color-manager.modify-profile”) &&
subject.isInGroup(“{users}”)) {
return polkit.Result.YES;

You can be more secure and restrict the group allowed to run colord by changing users in the above snippet to the group you’d like.

System Crash

Unfortunately, this causes a system crash whenever you log in to the Ubuntu system. It seems to be related to polkit and the file we just created – if you remove that file the authorization popups return…but no system crash. So how do we fix this crash?

If you have a polkit version < 0.106 you’ll need to create a .pkla file. To check this, run pkaction --version

So in my case, I’ll be making a .pkla file. Otherwise make a .conf file.

Create a file /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/45-allow-colord.pkla

Copy/paste the following

[Allow Colord all Users]

Finally, clear out any previous system crashes

sudo rm /var/crash/*

And reboot the system. You should now be able to log in without any authorization prompts or system crash messages.

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