# whoami
Viruses are fascinating. I’ve studied both biological viruses and computer viruses throughout my career. I think there’s an interesting parallel between the two.
I’m always studying a new technique, tool or technology to learn how it works. My home lab is always changing.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and I’m self taught in IT and Infosec.
# echo work_experience
I’m an information security professional. I’ve worked in both the public and private sector to secure sensitive systems from external and internal threat actors. I’ve designed security programs and policies from the ground up, managed servers and networks and identified bugs through bug bounty programs.
# cat skills.md
- Policy Creation
- Vulnerability Assessments (Nessus, Qualys, Greenbone)
- Penetration Testing
- Red Teaming
- Automated Infrastructure
- Social Engineering
- Threat Hunting
- VMware
- vyos/pfsense
- Kali
- Metasploit
- nmap
- python
# ls certifications

# cat hobbies.txt
I have a variety of non hacking hobbies. These may pop on here from time to time.
- Photography – you can check out my instagram to see some of my photos
- Movies – I was an independent VFX artist on a few independent feature films and TV commercials – you can check out my IMDB
- Home automation – I run an OpenHAB set up throughout my house
- Ham radio and AREDN mesh networking – call sign KN6DWB
- 3D Printing – currently running a Creality CR-20
- Electronics – Raspberry Pis, arduinos, ws2811b
- Music
- Tabletop RPGs
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